⛹️Sports week
Dongshing Elementary's Fun Sports Week
Dongshing Elementary's Fun Sports Week
Welcome to a super fun week at Dongshing Elementary! Our kids got to play lots of sports. They hit balls in tee-ball, skated around, dodged frisbees, kicked soccer balls, rode skateboards, played hockey, and shot basketballs.
Every day, they laughed and worked together. They learned how to play better and made lots of friends.
At Dongshing Elementary, we love playing and learning together. We can't wait to do it all again next year!
super 超級的
tee-ball 樂樂棒
skate 滑行
dodge 閃躲
frisbee 飛盤
kick 踢
soccer 足球
ride 騎乘
skateball 滑板
hockey 曲棍球
shoot 投籃